Golden Complexion Mask

This is the most involved mask recipe I have tried so far, and it is by far my favorite. This recipe once again comes from “Health and Beauty the Natural Way” by Nerys Purchon. It promises “to rid the skin of impurities and improve sallow complexions.”

Here is the recipe for one use:

  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon orange juice
  • 1 teaspoon carrot juice
  • 1 teaspoon celery juice (from healthy stalks)
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon yogurt
  • dried milk powder to mix

Just combine all ingredients, and add milk powder to make a paste. Spread on your face and leave for up to 30 minutes. Rinse off and pat dry.

To get the carrot and celery juice, I grated the sticks and caught the juices. So plenty of small chunks got in as well. My milk powder was also granulated so my mask was a bit chunky. Here it is ready to use:

I know it’s gross looking, but it’s an amazing mask. When I washed it off I noticed immediately a big change in my complexion. I am very fair-skinned and sometimes I look unhealthily pale and this mask really did give me a natural golden glow. I will definitely be making it again.

If anyone else tries it, let me know how it goes! Just leave a comment

Just Honey Face Mask

This is the simplest of simple natural beauty recipes. All you need is honey. Take enough honey to cover your face, 2 tablespoons or so, and warm it up enough to be runny. Be careful not to over heat the honey, and burn your fingers like I did. Spread the honey on your face. Gently tap on the honey, like your typing out an awesome blog post on your keyboard. Rinse off.

This recipe comes from “Health and Beauty the Natural Way.” I liked this mask, the idea is you are drawing out impurities in your pores and I thought it worked okay. It’s a great alternative to any store-bought cleansing masks, but it is very mild. On the plus side though, if any dribbles onto your lips it’s really delicious.

If anyone tries it out, I’d love to hear about it! Just leave me a comment.

Egg White Face Mask

As I talked about extensively in this post, I am trying out simple natural recipes in search of alternatives for my traditional toiletries. This time I tried an egg white mask. I got the recipe from this book by Nerys Purchon: Health and Beauty the Natural Way: Simple, Safe Recipes to Nurture and Beautify.

Take 1 egg white whipped lightly and spread over a clean dry face. If you have oily skin a bit of lemon juice can be added to the egg white. If you have dry or sensitive skin moisturize skin first or spread a thin layer of honey on your face before the egg white. Leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse and pat dry.

I only used the egg white. Although you are suppose to let this mask dry for 20 mins I only got 7 mins in before I had to take it off. When they say it tightens they mean it, the egg white dried stiff and tight to my face. I tried to open my mouth, and it took my skin awhile to stretch. I think next time I might use the honey first.

Anyway I was impressed with how small my pores appeared after the mask, but the effects were gone by next morning. My skin was also very shiny afterward, again gone by the morning. Overall I would rather use this simple, cheap recipe than use the tightening masks I have bought from the store, but I wasn’t particularly wowed with the results.

If anyone tries it out, leave me a comment on how it goes!