Plywood Tulip Wall Art

Have you checked out It’s a very cool site full of images in the public domain. The moment I saw this tulip picture from “The Great Tulip Book” published in 1640:


I knew I had to use it as inspiration for some type of wall art. When we moved into our new house there was tons of scrap wood in the basement, I found a nice big piece of plywood, gave it an once over with some 220 sandpaper and started outlining my flower:

Tulip 1 finishedI wanted a deep dark red so I used oil paint rubbed on with scrap fabric:

Tulip 2 fix

As you can kinda see in the photo the oil paint had a tendency to saturate the surrounding area with oil. I used more 220 sandpaper and removed the oil stains and gave the petals some grain show through. I used acrylic with a paintbrush for the white parts of the petals and then did the same to them.

Tulip 3 fix

I used a dark brown oil paint to finish off the stem and the stamens. To hang it on the wall I drilled two small holes at the top and threaded some sisal string through, and that was it, a super quick and easy large piece of wall art.

Tulip Finished